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**MAADOW.ALAFDAL.NET **waa web ay ardayda iyo dhalinyarada soomaaliyeed ay ku kala gudbisadaan macluumaadka dhan walba**SHABAKADA MAADOW** Maamulka shabakada maaadow wuxuu idin soo gudbinayaa waxqabadka shabakada sanadka 2010**SHABAKADA MAADOW**Halkaan ka daawo sidaad oogu dari laheedad shabakada mawduuc ama maqaaal ama wax walba oo faaido lah adoo naga ilaalinaya waxyaabaha ka soo horjeeda shareecada islaamka**SHABAKDA MAADOW** Digniin karishtaanka soomaaliya By maanka **SHABAKADA MAADOW**Shabakada Maadow Waxkasta oo lagu qoro Khasab ma aha in uu maamulka Raali ka yahay**SHABKADA MAADOW**


 The Least That Can Be Done ... By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah

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Mawduucyadaada : 276
ka Qeeb Qaadashaadaada : 722
Mahadcelin : 6
Is Diiwaangalintaa : 13/02/2010
Shaqadaada : Arday Jaamici

The Least That Can Be Done ...  By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah  Empty
PostSubject: The Least That Can Be Done ... By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah    The Least That Can Be Done ...  By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah  EmptySat Apr 09, 2011 8:26 pm

The Least That Can Be Done ...  By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah  Bismigold
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

By Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah

A question is often asked, "How can one manage his time between seeking knowledge, working for Da'wah and Jihâd? Where should one start?"

It seems a troubling issue suffered by many
young men knocking the doors of Da'wah whilst being surrounded by others
calling for seeking knowledge or for Jihâd.

But why should one consider Islâm as separate issues and then use them one against the other!

Why don't we follow the good example of the earlier Muslim generation?

One would perform the Fajr (Dawn) prayers with the Prophet, may Allâh send His prayers and blessings upon him,
then join a study circle which would go on till sun rise and then
proceed to earn his living. Later on in the day you would find him
hosting a Bedouin to teach him the fundamentals of Islâm and should
there be a call for Jihâd you would find him in the forefront.

All of this constitutes Islâm. All of this constitutes Dîn (a complete way of life) and there is no call to separate those issues as all of them are divine injunctions and requirements.

They had learnt that from the great teacher, Muhammad, may Allâh send His prayers and blessings upon him, who told them, "Convey (my teachings) to others, be it a (single) statement." [This statement is recorded by al-Bukhârî]

So, a man would learn a sûrah (chapter) from the Qur'ân, then would go and teach it to his family, the neighbours and then, may be to the rest of his tribe.

He realised, if he is to see the fruit of his efforts,
having learnt a chapter in the day time he is to stand the night (or
part of it) in prayers reciting what he has learnt and later on
implementing it to the best of his capabilities.

He didn't see any contradiction between this and him working to earn his living, which is essential to his life.

One's life was a continuous harmony of balanced events, interconnected without double standards or contradictions.

This is not to say that you wouldn't find one of them
(the companions) who excelled in a particular field which could have
possibly resulted in him lacking in some other duties, as for example
was the case with Khâlid bin al-Walîd, may Allâh be pleased with him, who is reported as saying, "Jihâd has kept me away from (learning) the Qur'ân."

There are however, some prerequisites to be adhered to
if someone for example is to preach, he is not to preach ignorance and
he must preach what he has learnt of Allâh's Dîn, Islâm.

Also, a person who fights for the sake of Allah should not do so unless he has learnt the necessary rules concerning Jihâd. He should know who he is to fight? Why he is to fight? How he is to fight?

They (the Companions) did not find in the above issues
contradictions or objections, to the contrary those issues as a whole
formed the particulars of their active life.

This is why when Jibrîl (the Angel Gabriel), may Allâh send peace upon him, came to the Messenger, may Allâh send His prayers and blessings upon him, - in the form of a man - asking him about Islâm, Îmân and Ihsân, the Messenger, may Allâh send His prayers and blessings upon him, having answered him, then informed them (the Companions) that it was Jibrîl, may Allah send peace upon him, who had came to teach them their religion, as all that represented Dîn and obedience to Allâh, the Most High and far from imperfection.

It is rather wrong for someone justifying to himself his
lacking in doing good, using this excuse or that. If you didn't have
the opportunity to do an intended task, then the least you can do is to
abstain from criticising and belittling others, who have embarked on
doing that same task.

Instead, you should be supportive - helping with ideas, gently advising or (at least) making Du'â (supplication) for them.

Do not let Satan lead you astray by making you think
high of what you do and belittling the efforts of others. You may find
yourself looking down at someone seeking knowledge about his Dîn,
because, you think, he is engaged in unnecessary details, too busy to
find solutions to the society's ailments, too busy to join in Jihâd.

In another instance, you might find yourself looking down at someone who is involved in Jihâd because, in your opinion, he has not done enough effort to learn his religion.

Or you may find yourself looking down at someone involved in youth activities preaching to them during a trip or at the Masjid (Mosque), looking down at him because, you think, he is too busy to seek knowledge from the learned scholars.

Surely all those in the above examples are good doers
and the activities and tasks they have embarked on are something each
one should strive to do and if someone lacks the knowledge of the other,
then they should be complimentary to each other and be supportive to
one another as Allâh enjoined on us, for the Believers should be
friendly with each other.

Courtesy Of:

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